Tuesday 28 July 2009

fight the power. or not.

hello again. i've been meaning to blog again for the past couple of days. but lack of time and lack of sleep has led me to become un-motivated to write down any form of witty essay in order to enlighten absolutely nobody of my life and it's goings on. but still, i find some form of company in this. even though it's me telling me things me already knows. either way it's a good way of spending abit of time rather than wasting it.

so, now i haven't a clue what to subject this blog to. in the past week since i last blogged my thoughts have been all over the place. not in a 'midlife crisis' or any kind of crisis kind of way. there's just been alot that i have chose to keep my thoughts to. i don't expect all of these thoughts to gather in order for me to publish any sort of mashed up blog. i do however have an infinite space in which i let my mind wildly go loose upon this cyberspace canvas. so become interested at your peril!

i think it's come to me on what to blog about. it's all about power. everybody craves some form of power in any situation in life. we'd all love to be the boss. depending on how big our ego's are is how far we'll get in becoming this 'boss' i put myself at a 50/50 chance of becoming a boss in any situation. i wouldn't rate myself as a good boss. but i feel if i have the power i will use it with full conviction. the thing i've been thinking alot about is what is the most powerful thing is. alot of people in the business world would say money. alot of people in the free loving world would say love. there are many other things which could gain you power. what i see as the most powerful thing is knowledge. knowing things will get you anywhere in life. not necessarily intelegence. you just have to be upto scratch with how wise you are about yourself. and the important things which apply to yourself. if you have knowledge of love. how it feels to be heartbroken or how it feels like to fall in love then you will know how to prepare yourself for the best or for the worst. and with money, if your wisdom of money is rich then your money of wisdom will gain you a status of being rich. this knowledge will apply to everything. but since love and money make the world go round it seems it was easier to point them two out.

this is where the blog ends i think. this is where you sigh with relief as another boring account reaches it's death. or if you've chose to look at this, the smallest paragraph first you'll have an imeadiate judgement that this is a boring blog. either way. i'm still happy. so yeah, go get wise and get power. make life the best.

one love x

Saturday 18 July 2009

the greatest of the great.

i've decided to compile a list of the greatest things. i'm literally going to list 10 of the greatest or my favourite anythings. whatever comes to mind. lets rock'n'roll...

Top 10 bands/artists of my current liking;

  1. The Devil Wears Prada
  2. Brand New
  3. Wiley
  4. Underoath
  5. Bloc Party
  6. Bright Eyes
  7. Dead Swans
  8. Sondre Lerche
  9. Your Demise
  10. Herve

Top 10 bands/artists of all time in my opinion.

  1. Bob Marley
  2. Blink 182
  3. Nirvana
  4. Michael Jackson
  5. The Stone Roses
  6. Toots & The Maytals
  7. Joy Division
  8. The Specials
  9. Prince
  10. Motorhead

Top 10 albums of all time

  1. Jay-Z - The Black Album
  2. Nirvana - Nevermind
  3. Blink 182 - Blink 182
  4. Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say i am. That's What I'm Not
  5. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
  6. Brand New - Deja Entendu
  7. Michael Jackson - Thriller
  8. Blink 182 - Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
  9. N.W.A - Straight Outta Compton
  10. Daft Punk - Discovery

Top 10 films of all time

  1. Fight Club
  2. Donnie Darko
  3. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
  4. Scarface
  5. The Shawshank Redemption
  6. Napoleon Dynamite
  7. Snatch
  8. Dan: In Real Life
  9. Alien
  10. Borat

Top 10 TV shows

  1. Scrubs
  2. F.R.I.E.N.D.S
  3. My Name Is Earl
  4. Everybody Hates Chris
  5. Mock The Week
  6. CSI: New York
  7. Everybody Loves Raymond
  8. Spongebob Squarepants
  9. My Wife And Kids
  10. Runs House

Top 10 video games ever. i'm a nerd yes.

  1. Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time
  2. The Legend Of Zelda
  3. Zelda: The Wind Waker
  4. Super Mario 64
  5. Super Mario Bros.
  6. Mario Kart
  7. Timesplitters 2
  8. Fifa 09
  9. Football Manager 06
  10. The Sims

Finally, the top 10 of anything. just a generalised list of my favourite things.

  1. Oxygen, without i'd literally be nothing.
  2. My cat.
  3. My girlfriend. Yet again, i'd be noting without.
  4. Milk
  5. The Love
  6. The people which i love.
  7. Cheese.
  8. Tranquility
  9. Deep & meaningfuls
  10. Manchester United

blog virginity taken with no real purpose.

wonderful. i've now landed upon another social networking world. this was of course my choice. but still, i'm unsure as to whether it was a wise or interesting choice. i'm pretty neglective of some of my social networking adventures. so more likely of the like is that this will face neglection within seconds of me writing this blog. i will try to keep up the effort of blogging though. all dependant on the people who will actually take interest in my life.

right, where now to start about my life and the current affairs of it. i don't really have any single direction in which i'm to go down. or atleast i don't know of this one path in life. that's how i like it. i like keeping my options open. i don't have any plans in life. i only plan on being suprised. and being suprised in abundance. i'm pretty happy with my current life's situation. nothing to get too excited about, but but more importantly nothing to get sad about. happiness is something i know hasn't got a certain level. it will go on forever. no mater how happy someone can be. there's always a way of getting happier. i love finding these new happiness levels. for myself. and for others.

maybe i shall start actually writing a small amount about myself, the writer of this (boring) blog. my name's jack williams. a pretty average name. but it's done me good. i'm 17 and even though the age connotes a 'lazy student' persona, i'd say i'm far from anything generic of a 17 year old. i have beautiful friends, beautiful family and a beautiful girlfriend. all of which i love incredibly. i'm struggling for things to say now. i've realised i've wrote less about myself than anything else in this blog but ah well. i shall maybe update this one day. like i said in the first paragraph i will try to make the effort.

one love. x